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Exercise 6: Data Integration — Transformation practice

In the data folder can find a file called BI_ZH.csv, this file contains the midterm results of the subject from a previous year. The file does not contain the final grades, only the number of points. Your job is to create a Pentaho Data Integration Transformation to do the following:

  1. Calculate the final grade based on the points (Grading was the following: 1 ... < 25 points, 25 <= 2 < 30, 30 <= 3 < 35, 35 <= 4 < 40, 40 <= ... 5)
  2. Create a final grouping for each individual grade (i.e. there were N students with grade 2, K students with grade 3...)
  3. Save the output to a JSON file ex6-excellents.json if the student received a 5 as a grade.

Write your NEPTUN code after the Number range step name!

When done, save the file with the following name: ex6-transformation2.ktr!

A few tips for help:

  • Use the Number range block for associating the points to grades
  • Set Number of rows in a bloc to 0 in the JSON Output to avoid lines overwriting each other


Save this file as ex6-transformation2.ktr

Save the JSON as ex6-excellents.json

Create a screenshot of the executed job flow and save it as ex6-transformation2-flow.png. Make sure that all the nodes including your Neptun code are visible on this screenshot.

Create a screenshot of the beginning of the JSON file and save it as ex6-excellents.png

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