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Exercise 6: Create a report listing the highest rated books

In this exercise, you are required to create a new report using PowerBI Desktop. Create a report that lists the highest rated books in a table.

  • The report should be edited by opening __ex6.pbix_.

  • The top rated books should be presented as a table displaying the title, author, publication year, average rating, and the cover image of the book (using the medium-sized image URL from the dataset).

  • Create a connection between the tables BXBook and BXRating by using the Model View on the left pane.

  • Using the Table View, change type of the URL columns to Image URL. (Select the column and use the Column Tools menu.)

  • Only show books with at least 20 ratings. (Use filters!)

  • Make sure to calculate the average rating appropriately.

  • Add a title to the report, and include your Neptun code in the title.

  • The final report should look similar to this (your results do not need to match exactly):

    Top books report


A screenshot of the report in file ex6.png.

Please ensure that the screenshot displays all the relevant parts of the report (title, table with Neptun codes, ratings, cover images). See the sample above.

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