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Exercise 4: Report about users

Create a report that summarizes from which country do our users come from. A table should list the number of users by country, along with the average age from the country, and a pie chart should display the number of users from the top 10 countries.

The final report should look similar to this:

Users report

  1. Open the project ex4.pbix in the repository with PowerBI Desktop.

  2. Add a new data source using the Get data and SQL Server options. PIC

    • Use the same settings for Server and Database as before.

    Database settings in PowerBI

    • Load the table BXUser.

    Select BXUser table in PowerBI

  3. After the data is loaded, open the Report View and add a Table from Visualizations tab.

    • From the Data tab, drag the following columns of BXUser to Columns: Country, UserId, Age

    • For the Age columns, select Average instead of Sum using the dropdown menu.

    Table columns in PowerBI

    • Sort the table by clicking on the Count of UserId column in the report.
  4. Add a Pie Chart from the Visualizations tab.

    • Drag the column Country to Legend and Values of the chart.

    • Add a Top N filter to show only the top 10 countries.

    • Rename the diagram by renaming the Values field.

    Pie Chart settings in PowerBI

  5. Add a title to the report, and include your Neptun code in the title. Make sure the report looks similar to the sample report on the top of the page. (Colors can be different.)

  6. Save your project.


Include a screenshot of the report as ex4a.png.

Please make sure to create the screenshot such that relevant parts of the report are all visible (title, table, and diagram too) and that the title contains your Neptun code. See the sample at the beginning of the exercise.

  1. Create a new Page. Here you will visualize the cities for a chosen country.

  2. Use a Clustered bar chart with City in the Y-axis and Count of UserID in the X-axis.

  3. Drag the column Country to the Drill through option of your Visualization.

  4. Check if the Drill through works by right clicking a country on your first page in the Pie Chart.


Include a screenshot of the bar chart showing the cities of the United Kingdom by using the Drill through option as ex4b.png.

Please make sure to create the screenshot such that relevant parts of the report are all visible.

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