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Exercise 7: Kibana visualizations — practice

The purpose of this exercise is to practice the data visualization capabilities of Kibana. Feel free to take inspiration from the solutions in exercise 5.

Create three visualizations to answer the following questions

a) What was the average age of the people hired each year in the different companies?

Use a vertical bar chart for visualization.

  • The horizontal axis is a date histogram per year of the hired field.
  • The vertical axis is the average of the age.
  • And a further breakdown by company is needed. The breakdown should be the top 10 values of the companies to get all of them.
  • Don't forget that a time filtering might be active in the upper right corner; set this to display everything since Jan 1, 2009.

b) What is the distribution of the workers between the various companies in the state of New York (NY)?

Use a pie chart for visualization.

  • Make sure to set the top values of the company to 10, otherwise not all companies are displayed.
  • Don't forget to add a filter for the state of NY too!

c) What is the average salary of the workers aged between 18 and 30 in the various states?

Use a Choropleth map visualization.

  • After specifying the map layer, you will need to edit the join properties to use the average of the salaries. This setting will be available after the layer is added. Look for this setting on the right side of the screen where the map layer properties are set.
  • Don't forget that a filtering is needed too!

Your visualizations, when finished and added to the dashboard (next part of the exercise) should look similar to this:

Sample dashboard

Create a dashboard

When all three visualizations are ready, create a new dashboard, and add the visualizations onto this dashboard.

  1. Click on the Dashboard item on the left side menu.

  2. Create a new dashboard here.

  3. Use the Add from library button on the dashboard to add existing visualizations. Add the three you created in this exercise.

  4. You can drag and drop them on the dashboard to various places, change their size, etc.

  5. Save the dashboard (just like you saved each visualization).


Create a screenshot of this dashboard and save it as ex7.png. The screenshot should show the entire dashboard with all three visualizations visible.

Export the dashboard ndjson file as ex7.ndjson, as done previously, but this time also include related objects (this is a setting in Kibana when exporting).

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