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Exercise 4: Elasticsearch queries

The purpose of this exercise is to use the search and aggregation capabilities of Elasticsearch to answer questions of the data imported previously.

Query JSON

You will be requested to save the query JSON in the following exercises. The image below shows you what that means: the VALID JSON sent to Elasticsearch, WITHOUT the first line, and definitely NOT the result JSON that is on the right side in Kibana.

Kibana query parts

Search syntax

Please use the search syntax of Elasticsearch that defines the criteria in JSON body. Do not use the URL query method filtering.

All of the following queries are sent to the salaries/_search endpoint with a GET method. This means that the first line in Kibana Dev Tools will be GET salaries/_search for all of them.

"SELECT *" in Elasticsearch

Issue the following query.

  "query": { "match_all": {} },
  "from": 0,
  "size": 10,
  "sort": ["_doc"]
  • query: This provides the filter for the query. Think of the WHERE clause in SQL.

  • from and size: These can be used for paging results. It is important to note that there is no way to query all documents using Elasticsearch. If you omit the size value, it defaults to 10.

  • sort: This can be used to sort the results.

You do not have to save this query.

a) Who are the top 5 workers with the best salaries?

Change the previous query:

  • we need the first 5, so the size will be 5;
  • the sort has to be performed on field salary, for which use the following syntax:
  "sort": [{ "salary": { "order": "desc" } }]

Execute this query and verify the results.


Save the final query JSON as ex4-a.json.

b) Who are the top 5 workers at McDonalds aged between 18 and 30 with the best salaries?

Building on the previous query, replace the query with a boolean query as follows:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": { "match_all": {} },
      "filter": [
        { "range": { "age": { "gte": 18, "lte": 30 } } },
        { "term": { "company": "NEPTUN McDonalds" } }

The difference between this query and the previous one is that we have to apply some filters to the results.

  • The age must be between 18 and 30.
  • The company must be NEPTUN McDonalds prefixed with your Neptun code.

Execute this query and verify the results.


Save the final query JSON as ex4-b.json.

c) Are there more men or women working for these companies? Is there a difference between the average salaries?

We have to use term aggregations to answer these questions. We can use the following query.

  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "group_by_gender": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "gender"
      "aggs": {
        "average_salary": {
          "avg": {
            "field": "salary"

Specifying "size": 0 means that we do not want any matching documents as we only need the aggregation results. (There are no search criteria specified here, but there could be.)

This query first groups the documents by the gender value and then calculates the average of the salary values within the groups.


Based on the results, what is the average salary of women? Type your answer into ex4-c.txt. Include only the number and nothing else in this text file (e.g., 123.45). Don't worry about decimal digits, the value will be rounded for comparison. (You do not need to save the query JSON here.)

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